Category: System Administration

  • Laravel Jenkins CI

    This article covers installation of Jenkins on Ubuntu server and its usage to continuously integrate a Laravel application.  Besides LAMP/LEMP stack we need to install Java, Git, Composer, and Node to successfully use Jenkins. Before starting to install this software, let’s take care of miscellaneous  stuff. Miscellaneous (can skip this). Create mysql user and database.…

  • Adding Virtual Box Bridged Network Adapter to Laravel Homestead

    Vagrant allows you to configure bridged network adapter, so your vagrant(homestead) box can be seen on local network.  I order to make this possible by adding a line of code to homestear.rb script in scripts folder. I opted to add this line after the following code. if settings.has_key?(“networks”) settings[“networks”].each do |network| network[“type”], ip: network[“ip”], bridge: network[“bridge”]…

  • Disable .htaccess on Apache

    It is possible to disable .htaccess files while using mod_rewrite in virtual host’s configuration file. Options FollowSymLinks AllowOverride None Require all granted RewriteEngine On RewriteBase / RewriteRule ^index\.php$ – [L] RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d RewriteRule . /index.php [L]

  • Running Node.js App with Supervisord on Homestead

    Earlier I covered how to continuously run Node.js app with Forever.  In this article I will explain how to run Node.js app with Supervisord.  Since Homestead already has Supervisord installed, we will use it. First, let’s create a simple node application.  Edit script in Homestead installation to contain the following code: #!/bin/sh cd /var/www…

  • Using PhpMyAdmin With Homestead

    Laravel Homestead includes a lot of software, but unfortunately does not have PhpMyAdmin.  You can always install it on nginx, but if you have it already on your host system (for example, as a part of xampp package), you can always configure it as a Nginx site. First of all, you need to edit your file.  At…

  • Run Node.js Apps with Forever on Ubuntu Server

    PM2 is a great process manager for Node.js apps.  I have been using PM2 for a while, but lately it gave up on me – it refused to start one of my Node.js apps.  I tested the app and did not find any problems with it: it started up and ran ok when I was…

  • WordPress Errors and Solutions

    Infinite redirect loop If there is infinite redirect loop, put this line in functions.php of current theme. remove_filter(‘template_redirect’, ‘redirect_canonical’); WordPress asks for FTP credentials Change ownership of your WordPress directory. chown –R www-data:www-data Nginx: 413 Request Entity Too Large Error Change Nginx config file sudo nano /etc/nginx/nginx.conf # set client body size to 128M #…

  • Installing a Website on Apache Virtual Host with Nginx as a Reverse Proxy

    In this post I would like to share a workflow I use to install a website on my Amazon Web Services cloud server.  My server configuration consists of Nginx – a server for my Node.js applications and a reverse proxy for Apache, Apache that I use for hosting websites, PHP5-FPM, MySQL database, and Postfix email…